[서적] Small-scale Livestock Production
- 전문지식, 팁과 강좌 / 축산학
- 2020. 10. 8. 09:58
Small-scale Livestock Production
by D. Sreekumar, P.V. Sreenivasaiah
February 2015

This book is primarily aimed to help livestock farmer with basic data regarding scientific production of milk (Cattle and Buffaloes) and meat (Sheep, Goats and Rabbits) in a small scale. Not many publications are available to provide answers to several doubts the farmers are likely to get on day – to – day basis, especially to suit Indian conditions.
Number of publications is available on livestock production; but most of them are too descriptive and of standards which ordinary farmers may find difficult to understand. Therefore, “Question – Answer” method is employed wherever appropriate with maximum emphasis on practical aspects to facilitate comprehension; scientific reasons are made as simple as possible to help literate farmers understand the basics.
The book includes separate Sections on Cattle and Buffaloes, Sheep and Goats, Pigs and Rabbits; each section has details of selection of herd / flock, management, feeding, disease control and economics. Housing, Sanitation and disinfection, Record keeping and Waste management, which are common to all Sections, are provided as appendices.
It is hoped that this publication would be useful as a handy ready reckoner for farmers who would like to start livestock farming with small number of animals.
출처 : vetbooks.ir
압축파일 암호 : vetbooks.ir
첨부된 자료는 온라인 수의학 서적 제공 홈페이지인 vetbooks에서 무료로 공개된 파일을 다운로드 받은 것임. vetbooks에서는 일정금액의 기부를 통해 무료 이외의 최신 이북도 제공을 하고 있으니 관심 있는 분들께서는 원래의 홈페이지를 이용하시면 되겠음
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