2024년 전국 온천 현황 보고서는 대한민국의 온천 자원과 관련 시설의 현황을 종합적으로 조사한 자료이다. 행안부에서 매년 공공데이터로 공개하는 이 보고서에는 온천 자원 이용 현황, 온천지구 및 보호구역, 이용객 수, 온천업소의 운영 상태 등을 다루고 있다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같다. 1. 전국 온천지구 및 보호구역 현황2023년 기준으로 전국에는 총 383개의 온천지구와 구역이 있다. 이 중 온천원 보호지구는 123개소, 온천공 보호구역은 260개소로, 전년 대비 8개소가 증가했다. 보호구역은 주로 소규모 온천공 보호구역 중심으로 개발되고 있다.2. 온천 이용객 수 증가2023년 온천 이용객 수는 총 4,712만 명으로, 전년 대비 14.4% 증가했다. 이는 코로나19 팬데믹으로 감소했던 이용객 수가..
2021년 한 해 동안의 가축개량 성과와 그에 따른 경제적 가치, 주요 실적 등을 담은 ‘가축개량관련자료’ 이다. 이 책은 크게 가축개량 총론, 축종별 개량 자료, 기타 개량 자료로 구성되어있다. 가축개량 총괄기관인 축산과학원에서 매년 출간하는 책인데, 유관기관에 나눠주는 물량이 충분치는 않아서 수시로 열어봐야 하는 실무자 입장에서는 한글이나 pdf 파일을 저장하여 활용한다. 본인이 주로 찾아보는 한우와 젖소 축종 이외에 돼지, 닭, 종오리에 대한 개량정보도 함께 들어있어 관련업에 대한 이해를 높이는데 좋은 참고자료로 쓸 수 있겠다.
Bovine Orthopedics: An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America, Food Animal Practice by David E. Anderson March 2014 This issue focuses on the latest treatment options concerning bovine orthopedic conditions. Topics covered include: external fixation devices, orthotics and prosthetics, coxofemoral disease, septic arthritis, splints and casts, stifle disorders, internal fixation, diseases of..
Pig Disease Identification and Diagnosis Guide by Steven McOrist December 2014 Pork is one of the world’s most widely consumed meats, with the pig industry undergoing recent rapid expansion across Asia and Latin America. This textbook covers more than 100 of the most common pig diseases. With each presented as a case study, the book uses a question and answer format to enable students to recogni..
Nutritional Modelling for Pigs and Poultry by Nilva K. Sakomura, Rob Gous, Llias Kyriazakis, L. Hauschild December 2014 Modelling is a useful tool for decision making in complex agro-industrial scenarios. Containing a selection of the papers presented at the International Symposium of Modelling in Pig and Poultry Production 2013, this book brings together the best and most recent academic work o..
Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs by HuiChu Lin, Paul Walz April 2014 Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs presents practical guidance on using anesthetic and analgesic drugs to prevent pain caused by surgery or disease. This cohesive resource offers complete coverage of anesthetics and anesthetic techniques in farm animals with a ..
Guide in Ruminant Medicine, 2nd Edition: Sheep, Goat, Cattle, Buffaloes and Camel by Abd Elghany Hefnawy Abd Elghany June 2014 Ruminant medicine is one of the most important branch in the veterinary medicine as the ruminant animals play an important role in the animal production and in the economic state of the country .so diseases that affecting the ruminant have great effect on the animal prod..
Animal Welfare and Lameness in Dairy Cattle by Richard T. Gudaj November 2014 Animal welfare and lameness are the most significant productivity issues in dairy farming. Hypothesis was tested that Hungarian Holstein-Friesian cattle have an acceptable standard of welfare. The second hypothesis claimed that advices given to farmers about animal welfare will improve welfare measures significantly. 2..
Small-scale Livestock Production by D. Sreekumar, P.V. Sreenivasaiah February 2015 This book is primarily aimed to help livestock farmer with basic data regarding scientific production of milk (Cattle and Buffaloes) and meat (Sheep, Goats and Rabbits) in a small scale. Not many publications are available to provide answers to several doubts the farmers are likely to get on day – to – day basis, ..
Sheep Medicine, 2nd Edition by Philip R. Scott April 2015 Sheep Medicine, Second Edition describes key sheep diseases encountered in general practice along with their diagnoses, treatment, prognoses, control, and, where appropriate, post-mortem features. The book is divided into chapters covering each body system. Each chapter of this completely revised and updated book opens with a recommended ..
Rumen Microbiology: From Evolution to Revolution by Anil Kumar Puniya, Rameshwar Singh, Devki Nandan Kamra July 2015 This book offers an in-depth description of different groups of microbes (i.e. bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses) that exist in the rumen microbial community, and offers an overview of rumen microbiology, the rumen microbial ecosystem of domesticated ruminants, and rumen micro..
Dairy Production and Processing: The Science of Milk and Milk Products by John R. Campbell, Robert T. Marshall January 2016 A productive dairy industry is vital to providing safe, high-quality milk that fulfills the nutritional needs of people of all ages around the world. In order to achieve that goal, Campbell and Marshall present a timely, lucid, and comprehensive look at today’s dairy indust..